*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Washington, D.C.— Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) announced the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0, which he cosponsored, has passed the House. The bill is named for Gabriella Miller, who tragically passed away in 2013 at the age of ten with an inoperable brain tumor.

“As a father, the pain of losing a child is unimaginable. As someone who has lost a loved one to cancer, the need for further investment to find a cure remains a personal mission,” Emmer said.

Emmer continued, “Thanks to advances in research, children suffering from cancer and other diseases have better outcomes than ever before. We must invest in this important research, and I was proud to be part of the effort to secure this necessary funding.”

In 2014, the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act was signed into law, establishing a pediatric research initiative through the National Institutes of Health. Since 2015, the Program has studied 44 childhood cancers and birth defects for genome sequencing, representing 28,000 patients and 48,000 genomes.

The Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 would direct certain penalties assessed by the Securities and Exchange Commission to aid in the race to cure childhood cancer and other diseases.
