*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Otsego, MN - Today, Congressman Emmer (MN-06) joined President Trump at Nuss Trucking in Burnsville, Minnesota for a roundtable to highlight the economic growth and progress stemming from the 2017 passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 

Congressman Emmer released the following statement: 

"I was honored to have the opportunity to join President Trump today to discuss the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and its beneficial impact on our nation. This Republican-led effort, paired with President Trump Administration’s work to rollback $33 billion in burdensome federal regulations, was a tremendous accomplishment for working Americans. For the first time in more than a decade, the economy has reached a consistent 3 percent growth rate, and an estimated 90 percent of American wage earners will have higher take-home pay. Republicans have put the American people and the success of the American economy first. As the President has said, promises made are promises kept, and we have delivered." 

Emmer continued, "With historically low unemployment, sustained GDP growth, and 80 percent of tax filers receiving a reduction in Minnesota, the average cut is nearly $1,400 per filer. The American economy is open for business, and Minnesotans are benefiting." 

"However, there is still work to be done," Emmer claimed, "We need to focus on repealing the Medical Device Tax, which harms the growing medical innovation industry in Minnesota. Then our focus must turn to repealing both the Cadillac Tax and the Health Insurance Tax, and of course, secure the permanence of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." 

“I am also pleased the President highlighted our work to roll back the political prohibition on mining in northern Minnesota. Northern Minnesotans deserve the right to determine their own economic future while preserving the environmental protections that ensure our state’s beauty. I am grateful to Representative Stauber for taking up the mantle in support of this important effort and helping to breathe new life into a key sector of Minnesota’s economy.” 

Emmer concluded, "On this tax day, I am proud to stand with the President and so many hardworking business owners to highlight the important benefits of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. There is no question that thousands of Minnesotans and millions Americans around the country have, and will continue to see new economic opportunity and confidence stemming from the historic changes we made in 2017." 
