*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Annandale, MN – This week, Congressman Tom Emmer met with Annandale Mayor Shelly Jonas, Annandale Police Chief Peter Standafer, and other community members to discuss transportation infrastructure, crime prevention strategies, and the business environment in Annandale. 

“As Annandale and Wright County grow, we must continue working together to support the community and ensure Annandale attracts families, good-paying jobs, and new opportunities. Thanks to Mayor Jonas, Chief Standafer, and local leaders for being great partners,” Congressman Emmer said.

“Annandale appreciates Congressman Emmer’s dedication to understanding the real issues that affect our local jurisdiction and working towards solutions that genuinely address our needs,” said Shelly Jonas, Mayor of Annandale. “We know that listening is the first step to meaningful change and thank Congressman Emmer for engaging directly with our community. Our nation faces complex challenges and following our dialog, I believe those present felt encouraged that we can all work together for the future of our communities.”

“Traveling to Washington DC to speak with our Congressional delegation is something I have been doing for 25 years.  While it is good to see how the process works in our nation’s capital, nothing is better than hosting a meeting with your elected officials back here, in their own jurisdiction.  I always appreciate Rep. Emmer’s willingness to take time to meet with constituents like me and a few other local business owners to discuss how he can continue to serve us better,” said Bryan Bruns, CEO of Lake Central Bank.

Congressman Emmer met with Mayor Shelly Jonas, Police Chief Peter Standafer, City Administrator Kelly Hinnenkamp, School Superintendent Tim Prom, School Board Vice Chair Jon Sheer, Lake Central Bank CEO Bryan Bruns, and other local leaders throughout the day. 

According to United States Census Bureau data, Wright County is the fastest-growing county in Minnesota. Since the 2020 census, more than 9,000 individuals have moved to Wright County. It is the only county in Minnesota that has grown by more than 5 percent in the last three years and one of only five counties that have grown by more than 4 percent.
