*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Washington, D.C. – This week, Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) introduced H.Res. 617 to designate the third Thursday of November as “World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day.”

Prevention of injury and disease plays a vital role in the health care of our nation. While there is a spotlight on many important issues that require our attention, there are also lesser-known areas that also deserve acknowledgment.

“I am honored to support raising awareness for pressure injuries, sometimes known as bed sores, and work to increase the quality of life for millions of Americans,” said Emmer. “Pressure injuries occur more frequently than any other preventable health issue, and by designating the third Thursday in November as a day of recognition we can highlight the need to address these often avoidable and debilitating injuries. It is crucial we bring awareness to this crisis so we can lessen the pain and suffering associated with pressure injuries while reducing health care costs.”

The cost of care due to pressure injuries annually is approximately $10 billion. Pressure injuries are also responsible for more than 60,000 deaths each year. Last year alone, 2.5 million patients developed a pressure injury in the hospital and required stays more than twice in length. Pressure injuries also hit the veteran community especially hard, impacting more than one-third of veterans with spinal injuries and costing nearly $80,000 more than veterans not affected. Additionally, there are 17,000 lawsuits each year due to pressure injuries.

The Medical Alley Association supports the designation of Pressure Injury Prevention Day. 
