*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

WASHINGTON— This week, Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) built the conservative coalition behind his Sunset Act. The bill, which was introduced Monday, aims to cut down on the number of “major rules,” or rules with an economic impact of greater than $100 million, by requiring every major rule over 10 years old to receive Congressional approval or be terminated.

Here is what conservative leaders have to say about the Sunset Act:

“As the size of the federal government has ballooned, the freedoms of everyday Americans have been crushed by overbearing regulations and out-of-control spending. Rules that impact voters’ daily lives and cost taxpayers billions of dollars shouldn’t exist in perpetuity without congressional approval. Whip Emmer’s Sunset Act would start the long-overdue process of dismantling the bloated administrative state and returning power to the American people.”—Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President, Heritage Action

“Under the Biden administration the administrative state has vastly increased its power. The Sunset Act would limit the power of unelected bureaucrats and ensure that Congress is the sole entity creating federal law. I am proud to support Majority Whip Emmer’s Sunset Act and urge all lawmakers to support its passage.”—Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform

“Every organization periodically needs to take stock to identify course corrections or justify business as usual. The regulatory state is no exception. The Sunset Act would act as a sorely needed breaking mechanism on runaway regulatory burdens and add crucial democratic legitimacy to the rules that govern the American People.”—Marc Marie, Regulatory Policy Fellow, Americans for Prosperity

“The Administrative State in the United States has swelled over the past century, building an unaccountable branch of government:  the Regulatory State.  This leviathan has devoured the social contract that Hobbes posits as a benefit.  Today, the Administrative State has taken over legislative, executive, and judicial powers rightly belonging with Congress, the president, and Article III courts.  Conservatives for Property Rights is very pleased to support the Sunset Act and applauds House Majority Whip Tom Emmer for taking the lead on this legislation.  Sunsetting regulations as a matter of course 10 years after their enactment, unless Congress extends a particular rule, represents a giant leap toward restraining and holding accountable the unelected bureaucrats who populate the tyrannical Administrative State and their special interest allies." — James Edwards, Executive Director, Conservatives for Property Rights
