*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Washington, D.C. - Following a letter sent by Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06), Congressman Pete Stauber (MN-08), Congressman Jim Hagedorn (MN-01), and Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (MN-07), the Minnesota State Legislature and Governor Walz took action to provide online social security services for Minnesotans.

In February, the Minnesota Republican Delegation sent a letter to Governor Tim Walz, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, and Speaker Melissa Hortman urging them to work together on a bipartisan improvement to state law that would allow Minnesotans to apply for replacement Social Security Number cards online.

At the time, Minnesota was one of only five states that had not implemented the Internet Social Security Number Replacement Card (iSSNRC) project, which would grant individuals the ability to apply for a new Social Security Number card online. The Social Security Administration (SSA) implemented this project in 2014 to reduce the burden on both American citizens and SSA field offices. Unfortunately, necessary changes to state law had not been made, barring Minnesota from implementing the iSSNRC project. Bipartisan legislation was introduced in the Minnesota State Legislature last session, but it did not advance in either the House or the Senate. On June 24, this bipartisan legislation was passed and signed into law by Governor Walz. 

"Minnesota was one of the last five states to offer Social Security services online. As a state that prides itself on being a leader and setting the standard for the nation, this barrier to service was unacceptable. I am grateful that our state's leaders worked together and took action. One thing we can come together on is ensuring Minnesotans have proper access to the resources they need," said Emmer. 

“During the government mandated shutdowns, a number of residents across Minnesota were unable to receive replacement Social Security cards. This could have been easily prevented had Minnesota implemented a system to allow residents to apply for a replacement social security card online. The situation that many Social Security recipients found themselves in was unacceptable, so I am proud to join my colleagues in ensuring our state finally implements the Internet Social Security Number Replacement Card project,” said Stauber.

“The iSSNRC project has allowed many Americans to apply for replacement Social Security cards safely and successfully. I was proud to stand with my fellow Minnesota colleagues to push for the implementation of this program in our state earlier this year. As this process comes to a head and is carried out, Minnesotans will certainly benefit from the convenience,” said Hagedorn.

“I am pleased to see Minnesota join the 45 other states that have implemented the Internet Social Security Number Replacement Card project, and I appreciate the work of all involved in getting this done. This small but important change to state law will bring Minnesotans a great deal of ease and convenience as they work with the Social Security Administration," said Fischbach.

Read the letter the Minnesota Republican Delegation sent to Governor Walz here
