Since 2019, the House of Representatives ignored policies that would improve the lives of Americans to instead focus on impeachment of the President. The hearings House Democrats conducted were political theater, even though it was theater that few Americans would pay for. Every moment spent on impeachment was a moment lost to address the real issues facing our nation.
It should come as no surprise that these hearings failed to produce the bombshell results the Democrats promised. Even still, the fact that the partisan assault on the presidency remained the Democrat’s only priority was telling.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, found them to be an effective tool to distract the American people from their lack of accomplishment in the 116th Congress. In fact, congress accomplished more in one week in December than it has over the prior eleven-and-a-half months of 2019. Repealing the Medical Device Tax, funding our national security, passing USMCA, and redirecting resources to millions of American farmers struggling with mental health issues are all important policies that I was pleased to see progress through the House of Representatives before the end of 2019. However, it was Speaker Pelosi’s political gamesmanship on impeachment that forced a single set of votes on the aforementioned policy changes, paired with 2,300 additional pages of legislation, giving my colleagues and I less than 24 hours to review the contents of these legislative monstrosities.
Democrats wouldn’t let up on impeachment, and the reason why had nothing to do with the President. The truth is that Democrats needed to be able to point a finger at the White House to take eyes off themselves. Already this congress, I have introduced ten bills, co-sponsored over one hundred more and put forth policy proposals to address issues like mental health, sexual assault, mortgage access, and medical innovation. We have non-partisan proposals to consider – let’s actually get to the work the American people sent us here for.
Nancy Pelosi wanted to distract you—look past the headlines and ask why.