*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

GILBERT, ARIZONA – Today, Congressman Andy Biggs introduced a resolution to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy and to affirm the sanctity of life at all stages. 

82 U.S. Representatives co-sponsored this resolution.

Congressman Biggs, Members of Congress, and leaders from pro-life organizations issued the following statements:

“Thirty-five years ago this month, President Ronald Reagan’s representative at the United Nation’s International Conference on Population, which was held in Mexico City, stated unequivocally that American taxpayer dollars should never be used to fund international abortions. And yet, this Mexico City policy—as it has come to be called—has only been in effect for 19 of the past 35 years.  Congress must make the Mexico City policy permanent law and enact as many other measures as possible to defend the sanctity of life both at home and abroad.

“I thank my colleagues and leaders from pro-life organizations around the country for joining me in celebrating this historic anniversary, which I hope will also serve as a call to action.” – Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05)

“It would be hard to overstate the importance of the Mexico City Policy and its modernized version, Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance. Without withholding a single dime from foreign assistance, the policy ensures that our hard-earned tax dollars are directed to providers who respect the life, dignity and values of women and families worldwide, rather than to groups pushing an abortion agenda, often in direct opposition to the host country’s values and laws. A big thank you to Congressman Biggs for formally recognizing and celebrating the 35th anniversary of this life-affirming policy!” – The Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs, Susan B. Anthony List

“The National Right to Life Committee praises Representative Andy Biggs for honoring the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy, which prevents taxpayer funds from being given to organizations that perform abortions or lobby to change the abortion laws of host countries.  Over the last 35 years, this vital life-saving policy has been adopted by each Republican president, and rescinded by each Democrat president.  We thank Congressman Biggs for introducing this resolution and share his hope that the Mexico City policy will become permanent law.” – The National Right to Life Committee 

“Since it was first announced in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City policy—now known as Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance—has clearly stated that the United States will not underwrite death. Taxpayer dollars should not fund abortion here or abroad, and respecting the inherent dignity of the unborn person goes hand in glove with our country’s foreign assistance and humanitarian work.” – Jeanne Mancini, President, March for Life

“The Mexico City Policy makes clear what America has always believed: that abortion is not a method of family planning. We celebrate the 35th anniversary of this policy that was established under President Ronald Reagan and has been renewed by three Presidents – including our current President, who strongly advocates to protect the sanctity of human life at all stages.” – Travis Weber, Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs, Family Research Council

“In 1984, Ronald Reagan sent a powerful message to the world that our nation respects the dignity of all innocent life—both at home and abroad.  I commend Congressman Biggs for honoring this anniversary, which I hope will spread awareness about an important moment in history and spur a wider conversation about our nation’s values.” – Cathi Herrod, President, Center for Arizona Policy

“35 years ago, President Reagan courageously took a stand for human life, declaring before the whole world, every human being is of equal inherent value and worthy of protection. President Reagan, and every Republican president since that day, have implemented the Mexico City Policy, prohibiting non-profit, non-governmental organizations receiving American taxpayer dollars, from promoting or performing abortions in foreign nations.

“To recognize this historic moment in America’s fight to secure human rights around the globe, I’m proud to cosponsor this resolution commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City Policy. Having helped deliver over 5,000 babies during my 25 years as an OB-GYN, I know it is an undeniable scientific fact that life begins at the moment of conception. It is incumbent upon our government to protect every innocent human life, especially the unborn. As long as I’m blessed with the opportunity to serve the people of Kansas, I will continue my lifelong fight for the well-being of mothers and their babies, and work to end the barbaric practice of abortion.” – Congressman Roger Marshall (KS-01)

“The Mexico City policy is a historical beacon of the United States’ commitment to protecting the unborn. American citizen’s tax dollars intended as aid for other nations should not be used to fund abortion services or advocacy abroad. I was heartened to see the Administration reinstate and expand this important policy, which echoes the efforts of many great Presidents before him. I am proud to support this commemoration of the Mexico City policy and hope the effort will continue to protect future generations around the world.” – Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06)

“Upholding the sanctity of life and defending our most innocent is one of the most important duties I have as a Member of Congress, and that’s why I’m proud to cosponsor the resolution to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy.” – Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-08)

“The American taxpayer shouldn’t have to foot the bill for any abortion, let alone in another country. That’s why I’m proud to co-sponsor the Mexico City Policy Resolution because I believe in the value and potential of every human life. The Federal Government shouldn’t be used to advocate or promote abortions. I’m proud to work with my colleagues and the Administration as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of this commonsense resolution.” – Congressman Sean Duffy (WI-07)

“35 years ago, President Ronald Reagan instituted the Mexico City policy to prohibit U.S. taxpayer dollars from subsidizing abortions and abortion services around the world. Americans should not be forced to pay for the global abortion industry. At a time when regard for human life has never been higher, I am proud to join my colleagues in commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy.” – Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)

“The majority of Americans believe that taxpayer dollars should not fund abortions. Congress has codified this value every year since 1977 by attaching the Hyde Amendment to spending bills. However, this policy must continue to extend beyond our borders as we generously send foreign aid to countries in need. As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City Policy, we must continue fighting to codify it permanently and enact other important pro-life protections.” – Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05)

“The Mexico City Policy is critical to protecting the unborn and the conscience of America, and it shows the world exactly what we stand for – the sanctity of life. I’m thankful the Trump Administration reinstated and expanded this policy to stand for life at home and abroad, and my sincere hope is that it will become permanently codified in our nation.” – Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03)

“As a staunch defender of life, I am honored to join my colleagues in recognizing the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy that prevents the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to support abortion around the globe. Government policy should stand for life, and taxpayer funds should not be used to advocate for abortions at home or abroad.”  - Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06)

“Not a single penny of taxpayer dollars should be used to perform abortions, whether at home or abroad. The Mexico City Policy helps save lives of babies throughout the world, and I look forward to the day that it is codified in federal law.” – Congressman Ralph Abraham, M.D. (LA-05)

“Abortion is neither family planning nor healthcare – it is the intentional killing of an unborn child. I am proud to support life beginning at conception and ending in a natural death. As we recognize the importance of the Mexico City Policy, let’s continue to ensure American taxpayers do not subsidize the abortion industry.” – Congressman John Rutherford (FL-04)

“The celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Mexico City policy is a celebration of the sanctity of life. Protecting the most vulnerable among us means ensuring that NGOs are not wrongfully using taxpayer dollars to support abortions. The Trump Administration has been steadfast in their support of this pro-life policy, and I am proud to join their efforts by standing with my colleagues in Congress to support life.” – Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03)

“The Mexico City policy represents the best of this country, using our voice to promote the value of every human life across the globe. Unfortunately, this measure is under attack as the new House majority voted on their first day to force American taxpayers to fund international abortions and give money to the United Nations Population Fund, which supports involuntary sterilization and unjust eugenic programs. We are thankful President Trump has expanded the Mexico City policy and celebrate 35 years of standing for life.” – Congressman Mark Walker (NC-06)

“In no way, shape, or form should our federal government be funding or promoting abortion – whether it’s at home or abroad. For 35 years, the Mexico City Policy has placed an emphasis on the dignity of life by reinforcing that U.S. taxpayer dollars will not be used for abortions or the advertisement of abortions overseas. As we stand in defense of those who cannot defend themselves, I applaud President Trump for reaffirming those values through the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance executive order.” – Congressman Jody Hice (GA-10)

“I’m grateful to President Trump for his leadership in reinstating the Mexico City Policy and defending the lives of the unborn, and I’m proud to join my colleagues in recognizing the 35th anniversary of this critical pro-life initiative. After years of setbacks under the previous administration, we must continue to fight for policies that protect the sanctity of life.” – Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14)

“In 1984, the Reagan Administration carved new ground in the pro-life movement with its implementation of the Mexico City Policy, stating, ‘U.S. support for family planning programs is based on respect for human life, enhancement of human dignity, and strengthening of the family.’ I am proud to stand with my colleagues today as we honor the 35th anniversary of this policy.  We are grateful to President Trump for not only reinstating this policy after it lapsed for 8 years under the previous Administration, but also for expanding it to cover all foreign aid, not just funds designated for family planning.” – Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04)

“Thirty-five years ago, President Reagan established an important precedent to protect life and ensure American tax dollars don’t fund abortions around the world. Known as the Mexico City Policy, this precedent has saved lives and protected religious liberties and individual rights each time it has been enforced. On this anniversary, I thank President Trump for recently reinstating this policy and enacting other pro-life initiatives like new guidelines for the Title X family planning program. I’ll continue to stand for life and am proud to recognize this important milestone.” – Congressman Ron Estes (KS-04)

“In 1984, President Ronald Reagan took a major step in protecting the sanctity of life by signing an executive order known as the Mexico City Policy. As a staunch defender of life, it’s absolutely unacceptable that hard-working taxpayers should be required to pay for services they morally disagree with. I applaud President Reagan, and the Republican administrations that followed, for implementing this life-saving policy and protecting human life across the globe.” – Congressman Billy Long (MO-07)

“35 years ago, President Ronald Reagan showed moral courage by instituting the Mexico City Policy. He committed that federal funds leaving our country would not pay for the reckless destruction of life by means of abortion. I join with my colleagues in celebrating the anniversary of that policy. Thank you to Congressman Andy Biggs for filing this resolution, may it be a reminder that we must continue to stand for a culture of life.” – Congressman Ron Wright (TX-06)

“Freedom of religion and our ability to express that is the very first Amendment of the Constitution. The fact that we have to pass laws to protect against the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion, which violates the very heart of the largest religious body in the United States, is antithetical. We shouldn’t need the Mexico City policy, but in a world where Christianity is under constant attack and political correctness is king, it is vital we protect our First Amendment rights and codify this policy.” – Congressman Randy Weber (TX-14)

“The Mexico City policy exemplifies America’s devotion to a universal, unalienable principle: life, no matter how small, should be revered and protected. The conscience of our society may be judged by our adherence to this ideal. I'm honored to cosponsor Congressman Biggs’ resolution that reinforces our commitment to prevent foreign aid from being used to terminate life in the womb.” – Congressman Matt Gaetz (Fl-01)

“Liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot occur without God’s gift of life. 35 years ago President Reagan made this a cornerstone of United States global policy—one that I’m proud to see continued under President Trump. It’s an honor to join my colleagues to commemorate the anniversary of this critical Mexico City policy that enhances the value of human life throughout the world.” – Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22)

“As a nation, it is important that we advocate for the protection of life, both domestically and internationally. This resolution commemorates our nation’s commitment to the most vulnerable among us by preventing U.S. aid from funding abortions abroad. We must continue to stand for life and ensure this policy is followed for years to come.” – Congressman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15)

“As the senior Republican on the State and Foreign Operations appropriations subcommittee, I believe we ought to ensure that U.S. foreign aid supports life-affirming initiatives which support women and their unborn children across the globe. I’m pleased to stand with my colleagues in affirming our nation’s respect for unborn life and join them in advocating for the Mexico City Policy to be permanently codified in U.S. law.” – Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05)

“My faith and upbringing continually lead me to the position that all human life is sacred and has value. In that vein, I support the Mexico City Policy, first instituted by the Reagan Administration, and want to thank my friend Andy Biggs for introducing this resolution to honor the policy's 35th anniversary.” – Congressman Ted Budd (NC-13)

“Thirty-five years ago in Mexico City, President Ronald Reagan declared to the world that the United States would no longer financially support abortion in developing nations. America believes in the sanctity of all lives, including those beyond our borders, and while we have fought to protect the unborn here at home, the policy unveiled in Mexico City has helped ensure that our fight does not stop here. I am grateful that the Trump Administration has chosen to reinstate this important policy, and it is my hope that we will see it become law soon.”- Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36)

“Since President Reagan first implemented it 35 years ago, the Mexico City policy has been vital in ensuring that Americans’ tax dollars do not fund or in any way support the practice of abortion abroad. This policy affirms the United States’ status as THE beacon of liberty respecting our God-given rights and defending the inherent dignity of every human life.  I am proud to have a pro-life partner in the White House in President Donald Trump, and I look forward to continue working with him to champion the cause of life.”- Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19)
