WASHINGTON, DC - Following the announcement of Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District to receive over $200 million for two of its major highways, Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06), who lead a letter last month to Minnesota Department of Transportation Commissioner Charles Zelle urging approval for the funding, released the following statement:
“This is an incredible win for constituents of the Sixth District. As I wrote to Commissioner Zelle, while Minnesota’s metropolitan communities and businesses have continued to expand, our transportation infrastructure has not kept pace, creating a strain on those who rely on these highways. I-94 in particular is a critical corridor whose ability to handle capacity efficiently and safely is absolutely key, which is why ensuring funding has been a top priority since I came into office. This investment will kick start major change, directly benefiting Minnesotans in my district and across the state.
“While this is a major step forward, it is still just the beginning. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to provide federal support for Minnesota’s transportation infrastructure to promote safe and efficient movement of people and goods.”
Read Congressman Emmer's letter to Commissioner Zelle here.
See the full list of selected project for the Corridors of Commerce Program here.