*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) released the following statement regarding the announcement of the new unified Republican tax reform framework:

“After 31 long years, Congress finally has a plan to reform our nation’s tax code by putting middle class families and the American worker first. The past three decades have made it clear that we cannot tax our way into prosperity. Americans know how to spend their money better than government bureaucrats and Minnesotans know how to spend their hard-earned dollars better than Washington. Today’s framework is an incredible first step towards our goal of modernizing and simplifying our archaic and overly burdensome tax code.

“This framework identifies key areas of much-needed reform that will allow for a fairer and simpler tax code that all American families and businesses can understand. I am extremely pleased to see the new corporate tax rate target of 20 percent – something I’ve long advocated for through my CREATE Jobs Act – which will encourage United States businesses to keep their jobs and revenue here, while allowing them to once again be competitive internationally. Additionally, this plan will lead to certainty and permanency for our nation’s job creators so they can spend their time and resources growing their business rather than conforming with a complicated tax code. Lastly, I am encouraged by the focus on tax incentives such as the child tax credit, the charitable tax deduction and the home mortgage interest deduction on which the average American depends.

“I look forward to having conversations with Minnesotans about this plan as it makes its way through the committee process, and am excited to play a role in our first tax code overhaul since 1986.”
