*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

 (Courtesy of the Congressional Western Caucus) 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul A. Gosar D.D.S. (AZ-04), Chief Infrastructure and Forestry Officer Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04), Executive Vice Chairman Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03), Chairman Emeritus Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02), and Western Caucus members Rep. Doug Collins (GA-09), Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05), Rep. Kristi Noem (SD-At Large), Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17), Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-05), Rep. Kevin Cramer (ND-At Large), and Rep. Tom Emmer (MN-06) issued the following statements in response to the Trump Administration granting a permit for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline:

“This shovel-ready project languished for nearly a decade under the misguided, political policies of President Obama.  Today is a new day and I am pleased to see President Trump follow through on another promise,” said Chairman Gosar. “Let’s get this pipeline built, create good-paying jobs and ensure energy security for the American people.”

Congressman Westerman said, "I congratulate President Trump on approving construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. This is a long-overdue project that is about creating opportunity for private sector jobs and North American energy independence. Today, he sided with hardworking Americans – including Arkansans who have constructed the pipe."

Congressman Tipton said, “I welcome the news that the administration has approved the construction permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. It is long past time that this pipeline be completed. Today marks an important win in our fight for American jobs, affordable energy, and U.S. energy security.”  

“The Keystone XL Pipeline project will create good-paying jobs, lower gas prices, and increase North American energy security. This common sense project will reduce our reliance on oil from unstable countries, which will increase our national security,” said Congressman Pearce. “I’m pleased to see that the Administration move forward with construction and reaffirm their commitment to economic development in America.”

“President Trump’s approval for the Keystone XL pipeline opens up new possibilities in our move toward energy independence and a stronger domestic economy, and I welcome his commitment to smart energy options for all Americans,” said Congressman Collins.

“The Keystone XL pipeline means more jobs for hardworking people in the oil patch who are ready to go back to work after a painful period of decline in the industry. This is a project that should have been approved years ago, and I applaud President Trump’s decision to move forward with its construction,” said Congressman Abraham.

“Access to energy is central to improving our national security and building a more robust economy that offers better jobs and higher wages.  Not only does the Keystone XL Pipeline offer these large-scale benefits for our country, its construction will translate into added revenue for cash-strapped South Dakota counties, relief on our roads and rails, and job opportunities for folks across our state,” said Congresswoman Noem. “I’m glad to see President Trump move forward on this critical piece of American infrastructure.”

Congressman Flores said, “Building the Keystone XL pipeline will foster economic growth, create thousands of jobs for Americans and enhance energy security for America. Approving the long overdue Keystone XL pipeline allows the United States access to secure, stable oil supplies from a strong North American ally. It will also help reduce our reliance on unstable Middle Eastern energy sources. I applaud President Trump’s approval of Keystone XL and his commitment to advancing a 21st century energy strategy.”

Congressman Thompson remarked, “I applaud President Trump for taking action today that will benefit American manufacturers, workers and families. Approval of the Keystone Pipeline and other energy infrastructure projects was held up by political pressures upon the previous administration. This type of artificial red tape must be removed to unleash the true economic potential we have in America."

“The Keystone XL Pipeline is a very important piece of national security infrastructure as well as economic and energy infrastructure. It displaces oil from hostile countries with oil from our friendliest, longest neighbor in Canada, and restores parts of that relationship that have been frayed over the past several years,” said Congressman Cramer. “This is another America First infrastructure project, and is further evidence that Donald Trump is a man of action, not just rhetoric.”

“I am extremely pleased to hear the Keystone XL pipeline permits have been approved by the new administration. This long overdue infrastructure project will create thousands of jobs, put America on the path to energy independence and bring much needed relief to families across the country through the reduction of energy costs,” said Congressman Emmer.


On January 24, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order directing the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Army, and Secretary of the Interior to take the necessary actions to advance the Keystone XL pipeline and to do so in a timely manner.

The text of the executive order can be found HERE.

On January 26, 2017, the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline resubmitted its application for a Presidential permit to construct, connect, operate and maintain pipeline facilities at the U.S.-Canadian border in Phillips County, Montana.

On March 24, 2017 the U.S. Department of State approved the application based on their review that occurred as a result of President Trump’s executive order. More information regarding that approval can be found HERE.

The Keystone XL Pipeline will connect western Canada to a distribution center in Oklahoma and to refineries in Illinois and Texas.

Conservative estimates from the Obama State Department projected that Keystone XL will support more than 42,000 jobs.  

Unfortunately, President Obama chose to put the priorities of the extremist special-interest groups ahead of the American people when he blocked the Keystone XL pipeline in 2015 after a seven-year federal review process by his administration.

The House of Representatives has voted more than 10 times in recent years to approve the Keystone Pipeline.

The U.S. State Department found in January of 2014 for the second time that the pipeline would have no significant impact on climate change. 

Keystone XL has bipartisan support - even labor unions support it.