*For all press release inquiries, please reach out to Nick Sabin (Nick.Sabin@mail.house.gov)

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) introduced H.R. 3239 the Armed Forces Career Center Protection Act yesterday. Congressman John Kline (MN-02), who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, signed on as a cosponsor.

This legislation would require the installation of bullet proof glass windows and entry doors at all military recruiting centers throughout the nation. The bill would create a national standard, echoing the numerous governors who have already ordered this change in their states.

“In the wake of the tragedy at the Armed Forces Career Centers in Chattanooga, Congress needs to act,” said Emmer. “This legislation would require improved security at our nation’s recruiting offices. Our troops deserve to be protected wherever they are and this legislation is an important step in that direction.”

“The targeting of our service members in Chattanooga is troubling and tragic,” said Kline, a 25-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps whose son has served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. “We must do all we can to ensure the brave men and women who have volunteered to protect and defend our country are safe, which is why I am proud to join Congressman Emmer to advance this important legislation that takes steps to do just that.”

The Armed Forces Career Center Protection Act is H.R. 3239. Click here to read the full text.
