Otsego Wellhouse #3 Drinking Water Treatment Improvements

Funding Requested: $3,400,000

Funding Secured: $1,522,388

Total Project Cost: $4,250,000


Project Summary: 

The project consists of design and construction of drinking water treatment improvements for the City of Otsego. Treatment will be added to remove manganese, radium, and iron and will include process equipment, piping, valves and appurtenances, mechanical and electrical systems, site work and architectural.


Background Information: 

The City’s drinking water system consists of water from wells at four pump houses that are treated with chemicals to control bacteria and add fluoride. Other parameters such as radium and manganese are not removed due to a lack of filtration infrastructure to remove these constituents. All of the City’s wells have radium present and some exceed the primary drinking water standard. The City of Otsego has an agreement with MDH due to elevated levels of radium in some of its wells. The agreement keeps the City in compliance with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations by limiting and blending some wells until corrective measures are implemented. Adding treatment for the removal of radium will correct this situation. Manganese has been identified as a constituent of concern for human health, and the majority of City wells have manganese concentrations above the recommended threshold. On 11/22/21 MDH issued a Health Risk Advisory for manganese in the Otsego Drinking Water System. MDH recommends that the city of Otsego take action to reduce exposure to manganese to below the Health-Based Value (HBV) of 100 µg/L in the drinking water supply. This project for water treatment improvements at Well House 3 will allow all residents to receive drinking water that is below the HBV for manganese.


 Relevant Documents: 


Estimated Start Date: 02/01/2024

Estimated Completion Date: 09/30/2025

Account: State and Tribal Assistance Grants

Program: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Recipient Point of Contact: Adam Flaherty

Recipient Legal Name: City of Otsego, Minnesota

Recipient Address:

13400 90th Street NE

Otsego, MN 55330

Is the funding requested by a governmental or non-profit organization? Government