City of Rockford Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project

Funding Requested: $4,000,000

Total Project Cost: $5,000,000


Project Summary: 

The City of Rockford’s proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Improvements Project (Project) will address several needs at the City’s WWTF. Components of this project include constructing a new influent screen for preliminary treatment, upgrades to the WWTF controls system, replacing aeration basin fine bubble diffusers, and refurbishing the final clarifier mechanisms. The City collects and treats the wastewater from its 4,700+ residents and business owners and takes great pride in our historical record of operating a compliant WWTF. This project is vital to ensure that track record continues, and that Rockford’s commitment to reducing environmental impact remains.


Background Information: 

While needed, these improvements are significantly costly to the City. The City of Rockford has been historically responsible to its residents financially in operating the WWTF. It is important for the taxpayers to continue to invest responsibly in public infrastructure projects which benefit the entire communities and regions they serve. This investment in the WWTF will have a service life of at least 20-years and likely longer based on the track record of the community that historically been good stewards of public funds and will maintain reginal benefits to the larger community as the plant discharges directly to Crow River which is a regional resource. To fund this magnitude of a project ($4.5 million), the City would be required to increase their user fees by over 200%. A majority of the City of Rockford’s housing is single-family housing and two significant mobile home parks. A 200% increase in user fees would be a financial hardship to these residents. The City of Rockford’s median household income is more than 10% below the state average which makes funding these necessary improvements after already spending significant utility funds on project to meet regulatory phosphorus discharge changes.


Relevant Documents: 


Estimated Start Date: 06/01/2026

Estimated End Date: 06/01/2027

Account: State and Tribal Assistance Grants

Program: Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF)

Recipient Point of Contact: Anna Carlson

Recipient Legal Name: City of Rockford

Recipient Address:

6031 Main Street 

Rockford, Minnesota 55373

Is the funding requested by a governmental or non-profit organization?: Government