City of Foley Water Treatment Plant and Well 6 Construction

Funding Requested: $6,600,000

Total Project Cost: $13,300,000


Project Summary: 

The project consists of the design and construction of a new water treatment plant, a new finished water storage tank, and a water supply well, along with the necessary piping, treatment, and pumping systems. The water treatment plant will remove iron and manganese from the City’s existing Well 5 and proposed Well 6.


Background Information: 

The City has historically supplied an adequate quantity of water to its residents, but water quality has been a persistent issue. Customer complaints are frequently related to colored water from naturally occurring iron and manganese in the City’s wells. The water quality varies between the City’s wells, with Well 3 exceeding the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Secondary Standard for manganese (50 ug/L) and Well 5 exceeding the EPA secondary standard (300 ug/L) for both iron and manganese. In 2021, the City received a Health Risk Advisory (HRA) from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) regarding manganese concentrations in the water from all the City’s wells. The HRA recommended that the City reduce exposure to manganese below the Health-Based Value (HBV) of 100 ug/L. MDH-recommended actions include reducing the use of wells with manganese above the HBV (not possible in Foley) or adding treatment to remove manganese. A new finished water storage tank is needed because the City’s existing water tower does not provide adequate storage volume to meet 10 States Standards requirements that a water system’s minimum storage capacity shall be at least equal to the average daily consumption. The existing water tower has a storage capacity of 200,000 gallons and the City’s average day water consumption over the last five years has been 230,000 gallons. A new Well 6 is proposed due to the age of Well 3 and because Well 3 has recently been found to have low levels of PFAS compounds in it.


Relevant Documents: 


Estimated Start Date: 10/01/2024

Estimated End Date: 09/30/2025

Account: State and Tribal Assistance Grants

Program: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) 

Recipient Point of Contact: Sarah Brunn

Recipient Legal Name: City of Foley

Recipient Address:

251 4th Avenue North 

Foley, Minnesota 56329

Is the funding requested by a governmental or non-profit organization?: Government